Am ajuns la finalul proiectului ”School 4 future”, proiect finantat prin programul Erasmus+, mobilitati ale Lucratorilor de tineret, in care au participat Lucratori de tineret din 7 organizatii din Spania, Serbia, Turcia, Macedonia, Polonia, Bulgaria si Romania, pentru 12 zile. Mobilitatea acestui proiect s-a desfasurat in Craiova, in perioada 27.06 - 08.07.2021, scopul fiind acela de a forma 35 Lucratori de tineret care sa aplice 2 metode ale educatiei nonformal( Playback Theatre si ESPERE), ca instrumente pentru prevenirea abandonului scolar in randul tinerilor din medii sociale defavorizate si incluziunea tinerilor cu oportuitati reduse in mijlocul tinerilor de varsta lor.
Prin acest Training, Lucratorii
de tineret si-au dezvoltat abilitatile de organizare, de comunicare, de a avea
incredere in propriile decizii cu scopul de a reduce abandonul scolar, folosind
3 tipuri de jocuri in cele 12 zile de mobilitate.
We are at the end of the project "School 4 future", project, funded by the Erasmus + program, Mobility of Youth Workers, in which Youth Workers from 7 organizations from Spain, Serbia, Turkey, Macedonia, Poland, Bulgaria and Romania participated , for 12 days. The mobility of this project took place in Craiova, between 27.06 - 08.07.2021, the aim being to train 35 Youth Workers to apply 2 methods of non-formal education (Playback Theater and ESPERE), as tools for preventing school dropout among young people from disadvantaged social backgrounds and the inclusion of young people with reduced opportunities among young people of their age.Through this Training, the Youth Workers have developed their organizational communication skills, to have confidence in their own decisions in order to reduce school dropout, using 3 types of games in the 12 days of mobility.
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