luni, 1 noiembrie 2021

Green solutions for green revolution

 Ultimele 2 luni au fost pline de emotie si bucurie deoarece am reusit sa ducem la bun sfarsit doua mobilitati ale unui frumos proiect ”Green solutions for green revolution”, finantat prin programul Erasmus+, in care ne-am intalnit si am lucrat impreuna cu tineri frumosi din Spania, Serbia, Grecia si Romania( 2 organizatii). Mobilitatile s-au desfasurat in Craiova, prima fiind cea Lucratorilor de tineret care s-a derulat in perioada 22.08 - 01.09.2021 iar cea de-a doua, a schimbului de tineri, intre 19-09 – 29.09.2021.Scopul primei mobilitati a fost de a forma lucratori de tineret care sa aplice 3 metode de educatie nonformala( Teatrul labirint, Design Thinking, Living Newspaper), metode utilizate ca instrumente pentru promovarea unei educatii ecologice sanatoase care sa sporeasca constientizarea problemelor de mediu actuale pentru comunitatile din care acestia fac parte.Prin cea de-a doua tinerii au constientizat care sunt efectele schimbarilor climatice si au promovat o educatie ecologica sanatoasa, si-au dezvoltat abilitati de a depista si corecta acele circumstante nesanatoase privind mediul inconjurator pentru a avea o comunitate curata si totodata au promovat dialogul intercultural, incluziunea sociala si a toleranta prin utilizarea unor continuturi si structuri legate de schimbarile climatice. Lucrand in echipa si-au putut dezvolta abilitatile de comunicare si de a avea incredere in propriile decizii in situatii legate de protectia mediului si a ecosistemelor, putand pe aceasta cale sa-si impartaseasca experientele.


Last 2 months were full of emotions and joy because we managed to get to an end two parts of the beautiful project "Green solutions for green revolution", financed by Erasmus+, project in which we met and worked with youngsters from Spain, Serbia, Greece and Romania (2 organizations). The projects took place in Craiova, the first one being the Young workers which was held on 22.08-01.09.2021. The scope of of the first part of the project was to form youngsters in order to apply 3 methods of nonformal education ( Labirint theatre, Living Newspaper and Design Thinking ), methods used as tools for promoting a healty and ecological education which can increase the awareness of the actual environmental issues from their communities. From the second part of the project, which was held on 19.09 – 29.09.2021, the youngsters were aware which are the effects of the climate change and promoted a healthy ecological education, developed the abilities of finding and solving that unhealthy circumstances regarding the environment in order to have a clean community and in the same time they have promoted the intercultural dialog, social integration and to tolerate through the usage of some structures regarding the climate change. Being involved in teamwork they were able to develop communication skills and to have confidence in their own decisions regarding the environment protection, being able in this way to share their experiences.
Nu este disponibilă nicio descriere pentru fotografie.

Resilience in Nonformal language

  In perioada 01.03.2023 - 31.12.2023 s-au desfășurat proiectul "Resilience in Non-formal Language", având o mobilitate a lucrător...