This is our project movie! Lovely time,great friendship, learning and acting and a lot of memories! Enjoy!
luni, 24 decembrie 2018
This is our project movie! Lovely time,great friendship, learning and acting and a lot of memories! Enjoy!
luni, 17 decembrie 2018
duminică, 9 decembrie 2018
implementeaza in perioada 07-17 decembrie 2018 in Caracal, jud. Olt, proiectul ”Open
your eyes!”, finantat de Uniunea
Europeana prin programul Erasmus+, 2018-2-RO01-KA105-049846, Actiunea KA1, Mobilitati de tineret,
proiect ce deruleaza in perioada 04 august 2018 – 03 februarie 2019.
La acest proiect vor participa 42 tineri
din 3 tari cu diferente culturale (Romania, Bulgaria si Serbia), dintre acestia 21 sunt
tineri cu oportunitati reduse sau care provin din mediu rural.
al proiectului il reprezinta cresterea gradului de acces pe piata muncii pentru
un numar de 42 tineri dintre care 21 tineri sunt cu oportunitati reduse sau
provin din mediul rural, folosind metode de invatare nonformale.
- Cresterea
gradului de constientizare asupra riscurilor la care se expun tinerii din
dorinta de a obtine un loc de munca mai bine platit in strainatate;
- Cresterea
incluziunii si nondiscriminarii pentru un numar de 42 tineri din 3 tari
participante (Romania, Serbia si
Bulgaria) si facilitarea accesului la activitati de educatie nonformala pe
parcursul a 11 zile de mobilitati;
- Cresterea
respectului si a increderii in sine pentru cei 42 participanti prin responsabilitatea
pentru propriile decizii;
- Facilitarea
accesului celor 42 participanti la uneltele si resursele necesare obtinerii
unui loc de munca ( CV, training pentru un interviu de selectie, scrisoare de
motivatie etc);
- Dezvoltarea
abilitatilor de comunicare si a lucrului in echipa prin mobilizarea tuturor
celor 42 tineri implicati in proiect.
Metodele de lucru folosite in proiect sunt din aria non-formala: Biblioteca Vie, Open-cafe, Flash-mob, Debate etc, metode
prin care va creste interactiunea dintre tineri, acestia dezvoltandu-si
competentele avute sau vor dobandi altele noi, isi vor putea dezvolta aptitudinile
de buni organizatori, manageriale si de autoevaluare, abilitati de coordonare a
unui grup, de socializare, toate acestea intr-un mediu non-formal bazat pe
toleranta si nondiscriminare.
Va asteptam
alaturi de noi la acest proiect!
Persoana de
contact: Miruna Mihail
Tel. 0739456974
luni, 3 decembrie 2018
Maternity at the right time! - We will stay connected together
“During the project I had a lot of fun spending time with people from the other countries and learning about their cultures. I learned many interesting things and I think this helped me develop new skills. Also, we learned about different types of sexual education which can help people understand the dangers and risks they put themselves at. It was a wonderful experience.” ( Ariana - Romania)
”I’m really glad that I had the opportunity to participate in the project because I gathered
important experience and made so many new friends.” ( Busra - Turcia)
”During this project I realised how easy it is to develop self confidence by trying to make friends without thinking that you are going to be judged and by doing activities that let you express your thoughts freely. In my opinion, the nonformal methods of sexual education should be used more often especially in schools, because children and teenagers should get used to this subject, so they won't see it as a taboo in the early future. ” ( Stefan - Serbia)
” For me, “Maternity
at the right time”meant quality professional coaching, as well as personal
training. It taught me what teamwork and motivation means, it developed my
capacity of interating with others and it helped me think outside the box, as
well as talk more openly to the others. It offered me new abilities, aptitudes
and a great deal of knowledge. Summing up, it represented a rich source of
information which provided me with a new perspective towards things. At first I
encountered the usual fear of talking about subjects considered to be taboo,
but we managed to overcome this obstacle together and see in a different light
the situation. These unconventional methods of teaching sexual education have a
great impact on the young generation as they offer the possibility of changing
its “taboo” status.” ( Ana-Maria - Romania)
duminică, 11 noiembrie 2018
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